24-Hour Social Media Use

I chose to document my social media use on a Sunday for this assignment. My social media use is minimal and mostly limited to the same couple of platforms that I use to keep in contact. On the weekend I don’t check emails.

8:00 a.m. Instagram

I woke up and reached for my phone charging next to the bed. I opened Instagram and sent a direct message. Then I closed the app and went off to run a quick errand.

8:20 a.m. Instagram

I made a phone call over Instagram in my truck after getting home from running the errand that lasted approximately 25 minutes.

12:30 p.m. Instagram

I sent a direct message to a friend and then we spoke over a video call which lasted approximately 1.5 hours.

3:00 p.m. Instagram

I woke up from a nap and saw that I had several new message notifications. I responded to the reels that were sent and scrolled through Instagram feed to find more reels to send. I often find entertainment from scrolling through reels and sharing them although I try to refrain from doing it in the morning.

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A post shared by Memes by Myles (@mememanmyles)

4:00 p.m. Facebook Messenger

I sent several messages over Facebook messenger because I had unanswered notifications. I don’t use Messenger as often as Instagram to send messages.

8:00 p.m. Instagram X and YouTube

I made a phone call on Instagram and opened X to look for movie suggestions to watch on the video call. My long-distance girlfriend and I enjoy watching movies together. Making phone and video calls over Instagram allows us to speak without paying for long distance calls and we often stay on the phone just to watch movies together. We selected the movie Terrifier because I saw the 3rd installment is being released in October and I rented it on YouTube.

11:00 p.m. Instagram

I was still on the call, and I plugged my phone in and went to sleep.

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